
Since v1.8.0


TraverseList::using() - iterate over a PHP list (array, Traversable object, or object with public properties)

TraverseList::using() is a convenience wrapper that accepts any recognised PHP list type. Underneath, it calls TraverseArray::using() or TraverseObject::using() as appropriate.

If you're writing a reusable PHP library or component, use TraverseList::using() so that your component is as reusable as possible.

use GanbaroDigital\MissingBits\ListTraversals\TraverseList;
void TraverseList::using(mixed $list, string $listName, callable $callable);


TraverseList::using() takes three parameters:

$list can be any of the following:

Type Behaviour
PHP array passed to TraverseArray::using()
object that implements Traversable passed to TraverseArray::using()
any other PHP object passed to TraverseObject::using()
anything else InvalidArgumentException thrown

$callable is any PHP callable. It should take three parameters:

$callable = function($value, $key, $name) {
    // .. do something here

Return Value

TraverseList::using() does not return a value.


TraverseList::using() throws an InvalidArgumentException if $list is not a supported list type.

Works With

TraverseList::using() and traverse_list() are supported on these versions of PHP:

PHP Version Works?
5.5 Yes
5.6 Yes
7.0 Yes