
Since v1.8.0


TraverseArray::using() - iterate over a PHP array

use GanbaroDigital\MissingBits\ListTraversals\TraverseArray;
void TraverseArray::using(array $list, string $listName, callable $callable);


TraverseArray::using() takes three parameters:

$callable is any PHP callable. It should take three parameters:

$callable = function($value, $key, $name) {
    // .. do something here

For example:

$myList = [ "harry", "sally", "alice" ];
$callable = function($value, $key, $name) {
    echo "$name is $value" . PHP_EOL;
TraverseArray::using($myList, 'myList', $callable);

will output:

$myList[0] is harry
$myList[1] is sally
$myList[2] is alice

Return Value

TraverseArray::using() does not return a value.


TraverseArray::using() throws an InvalidArgumentException if $list is not a PHP array.

Why Don't We Use Type-Hinting Instead?

If we type-hinted TraverseArray::using() or traverse_array(), we'd end up triggering PHP's legacy error handling system when you passed a non-array to these functions.

We want to avoid PHP's legacy error handling system wherever we can. In our experience, it makes it very difficult to write robust software that fails gracefully.

Works With

TraverseArray::using() and traverse_array are supported on these versions of PHP:

PHP Version Works?
5.5 Yes
5.6 Yes
7.0 Yes