
Since v1.4.0


GetCaller::from() examines a debug_backtrace() to work out who has called your code.

It was introduced for use in error logging and exception messages.

use GanbaroDigital\MissingBits\TraceInspectors\GetCaller;
use GanbaroDigital\MissingBits\TraceInspectors\StackFrame;

public static StackFrame GetCaller::from($backtrace, $filterList = []);


The input parameters are:

Return Value

GetCaller::from() returns a StackFrame.

How To Use

Find Out Who Called You

Use GetCaller::from() to extract the first full stack frame from a debug_backtrace() array.

// import
use GanbaroDigital\MissingBits\TraceInspectors\GetCaller;

// call directly
// returns a StackFrame
$trace = debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS);
$caller = GetCaller::from($trace);
echo (string)$caller;

Skip Callers You're Not Interested In

You can give GetCaller::from() a list of fully-qualified class names or namespaces to ignore. This allows you to put caller-finding code in a shared private method, like this:

// imports
use GanbaroDigital\MissingBits\TraceInspectors\GetCaller;
use GanbaroDigital\MissingBits\TypeInspectors\GetNamespace;

class RejectStrings
    public function check($item)
        if (!is_stringy($item)) {

        // if we get here, we have rejected the input value
        $caller = $this->findCaller();

        // tell people who does not accept strings
        throw new \RuntimeException("{$caller} - items cannot be strings");

    private function findCaller()
        $trace = debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS);
        $frame = GetCaller::from($trace, [

        return (string)$frame;


GetCaller::from() does not throw any exceptions.


None at this time.