
Since v1.2016041701


FilterBacktrace is a data filter. You give it the output from debug_backtrace(), and a list of PHP classnames or namespaces to filter, and it will return the first entry in the debug trace that passes the filter.

FilterBacktrace was introduced to separate out the low-level filtering code from FilterCodeCaller.

Public Interface

FilterBacktrace has the following public interface:

namespace GanbaroDigital\ExceptionHelpers\V1\Callers\Filters\FilterBacktrace;

use GanbaroDigital\MissingBits\TraceInspectors\FilterBacktrace as BaseClass;

class FilterBacktrace extends BaseClass
     * work out who has called a piece of code
     * @param  array $backtrace
     *         the debug_backtrace() return value
     * @param  array $filterList
     *         a list of namespaces and classes to skip over
     * @param  int $index
     *         how far down the stack do we want to start looking from?
     * @return array
    public function __invoke($backtrace, $filterList = [], $index = 1);

     * work out who has called a piece of code
     * @param  array $backtrace
     *         the debug_backtrace() return value
     * @param  array $filterList
     *         a list of namespaces and classes to skip over
     * @param  int $index
     *         how far down the stack do we want to start looking from?
     * @return array
    public static function from($backtrace, $filterList = [], $index = 1);

How To Use

Finding A Single Stack Frame

FilterBacktrace can be used as an object, or as a static class method.

// import first
use GanbaroDigital\ExceptionHelpers\V1\Callers\Filters\FilterBacktrace;

// we need a stack trace
// use DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS to keep the trace very small
$trace = debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS);

// we need a list of namespaces to filter out
// this can be individual parts of namespaces, or whole classnames
$filterList = [

// to use as an object
$filter = new FilterBacktrace;
$caller = $filter($trace, $filterList);

// to call statically
$caller = FilterBacktrace::from($trace, $filterList);

Finding Multiple Stack Frames

debug_backtrace() returns the stack trace as an array. You can start the search from anywhere in this array by passing a third parameter into this filter. This is especially useful if your exception wants to know who called the code that is trying to throw an exception:

use GanbaroDigital\ExceptionHelpers\V1\Callers\Filters\FilterBacktrace;

// we need a stack trace
// use DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS to keep the trace very small
$trace = debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS);

// starts from the beginning of the stack trace
$caller1 = FilterBacktrace::from($trace);
// starts from just after where we found $caller1
$caller2 = FilterBacktrace::from($trace, [], $caller1['stackIndex'] + 1);

If you attempt to search beyond the end of the stack trace, FilterBacktrace will return the last stack frame.

Return Value

FilterBacktrace returns an array:

Key Description
class A valid PHP class name, or NULL
function The method on the class that called us, or NULL
file The file were the PHP code was defined, or NULL
line The line number in the file where the PHP code was defined, or NULL
stackIndex Where did we find these details in the backtrace array?

You should expect some of the fields in the return array to be NULL:


None at this time.




See Also